Thursday, June 19, 2008

Internet Explorer 8, beta... , isn't any better for now.

Just after the Mozilla Firefox 3 launched, today I try to check how's Microsoft's Internet Explorer progressing. And I've downloaded and installed IE 8 Beta.

Some of the cool features as you can see in the screenshot:
1) The address bar, notice that the domain portion is highlighted by graying out the rest of the address string.
2) The Emulate IE7 toolbox button, you won't have headache now when IE8 doesn't work for you because you can "fall back" to IE7 via this button.

and some other cool features include the IE Developer Toolbar, which will be my essential IE development tool, had revised to have more advanced features.

One very bad thing that really dissappoint me is this -- even simple blog layout went misaligned.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Firefox 3, what a disappointment

While I'm a supporter for Firefox 3, it had disappointed me.

First, I've been using the Beta 5 (rev1.9) Firefox weeks before the Download Record day. I though I should be getting some cool stuff today, but nothing more than what I've weeks ago.

Second, see the screen shots below, as far as I can remember, Firefox 2 fixed the issue, but it reappears in Firefox 3 -- the famous DHTML over Flash issue.

You notice that in IE it works, as in the flash didn't block the DHTML menu, and yet Firefox one, the menu is behind the flash.


After some "investigation", my fella colleague designer Samuel had figured out that adding parameter "wmode=transparent" will do the trick.

Yeah, it works, Firefox still rocks. this is the result by amending the param attributes via DOM inspector in firefox.

Hmm... Well, I'll then replace the disappointment with another issue, the speed issue, which I figured out that certain websites loads much slower in Firefox as compare to IE.


Download Firefox, make it a world record!

I might be a little bit late, but not too late either.

Help Mozilla to set a new world record by downloading the newly launched Firefox 3!

Though as soon as the site is launched for download, it was too overwhelmed and caused it to down for an hour or so.
