Saturday, May 28, 2005

Developing Software

This blog is devoted to post some of my experience and findings on developing software pieces.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Migrationg from VS Beta 1 to Beta 2

Today, we've migrated all developers' VS from Beta 1 to Beta 2!

If you are concern on what changes are needed, it can be get from

I've made some regular expression to do some of the common replacement for ASP.NET:

Partial Class {([A-Za-z_]+)}\n([:b\n]+)~(Inherits){[^:b\n]}
Replace with: Partial Class \1 \n Inherits System.Web.UI.Page\n \2

Replace with: CodeFile=

Replace with: Inherits=

These are to be executed using Quick Replace in VS IDE.
(Do not use "Replace in Files", apparently, there are some bugs with regular expression substitution)
